Tuesday, May 25, 2010

a good start

On Monday, Sam's mom brought to the shop a friend of a friend who helped her with the interior design of her restaurant ten years ago. Later she claimed that she knew he was the perfect person to help me. I think it was just luck. Or the universe. I am starting to wonder. Like today when I asked Jeff's friend, who was trained in making Western desserts, and worked at a big hotel in Beijing, what she's doing now, and she told me she was job hunting. I'm not sure why I didn't offer her a job on the spot. But the next time I talk to her (and hopefully tomorrow) I will.

The decorator, Mr. Gou, understood immediately the style we need to create, and gave extensive, valuable, and free advice. A few times he raised his voice a bit to shut the rest of us up and plead, "let me finish," but mostly was just really patient and cool. After a few hours we went to pick up his wife and visit his amazing office, which is decorated in real, exposed brick!!! and big slabs of dark wood for tables, and an old embroidered picture of Chairman Mao.

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