Friday, February 10, 2012

where ever you are, there you are

Back in Harrisonburg and opportunities have come and I have rolled with them. Suddenly I'm hanging out with a crazy old innkeeper and three young Belarusians in a big old house built in the 1880s. Ian, Stas, and Kristina are all in their twenties and funny and smart. For the time being, they are my community, and that feels alright.

I have gone back and forth for two weeks about applying for a co-op marketing job that scared the shit out of me. Tonight I decided it's enough to just bake bread for now. To build slowly. Prove to myself first what I'm capable of . . . and then go prove it to others.

I have said goodbye to my grandmother, and shared in her funeral. I have gone hiking . . . snowboarding three times. I have danced to live bands. I have baked. I have shared beer with friends. I have laughed. It's good to be home.