Friday, November 12, 2010

november students

For the first half of the semester I was lucky enough to be assigned a tiny classload of six hours a week. I taught Monday and Tuesday and had the rest of the week off. But I was holding my breath the whole time, so last week when our dear Ricky Martin informed me that I would soon be teaching ten more periods, my heart only sank a little. I was prepared. Then it all turned into a mess that ended yesterday evening with Dan and I flipping through the schedules for eight different classes of English majors and deciding on our own class times. This morning I took the schedule into the very professional and kind Mr. Liu, and taught a couple of first-lessons for the new students. Despite being in their last (third) year and generally a bit more world-wise than the four-year English majors on the new campus, they are sweet and generally excited to have a foreign teacher. They're all from Sichuan and most have never been out of the province. The kind of students that make me want to give everything I can.

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