Monday, November 12, 2007

sun-warmed M&Ms

Sun-warmed M&Ms are a treat.

I don’t share with my roommates for fear.

they might know how much I spend or guess.

of all these weaknesses I repent.

for sin, though, the chocolate was not.

just individual packaging it was.

how easily I fear and I forget.


Jacob and Sanna said...

Hey Holly, I do know the feeling, of being too rich and spoiled but indulging anyway. Last Christmas we bought a bottle of sparkling cider and carried it secretly to our home, drank it in secret, and disposed of it in secret. What to do. I guess the secret is to share more and give more (and to do without more??)

thanks for your poetry. It brings back memories of EMU!

hollyrinny said...

I tried to make a rule for myself that if I bought a snack I would share it with someone. I've definitely broken that rule hundreds of times, but the general idea has been helpful, and when I do remember to share it never fails to be fun.