Thursday, December 1, 2011

sarah kay and ten things I know

This morning Seth Godin introduced me to Sarah Kay. She is my age, feisty, warm, and wise, and performs spoken word poetry with nice winding metaphors. It's heart-warming kind of stuff. Here's (the short version) the poem "B" (or "If I should have a daughter . . .")

Here's (the long version), a Ted Talk that ends up just under 20 minutes. She talks about her own journey to spoken word poetry, about teaching it, about connection, and shares another poem at the end called Hiroshima.

 She talks about using lists to teach poetry and asks the audience to make a list of ten things they know to be true. Here's mine:

Ten Things I Know to be True

My mother loves me.

Procrastination of one big thing sometimes helps little important things get done.

Kneading bread is therapeutic.

Melted butter and lots of brown sugar make chewy chocolate chip cookies.

Cynicism is easy; belief takes courage.

It's sometimes possible to speak an idea into existence.

Appearance (and aesthetics in general) matter . . . alot.

As children, almost everyone has dreams of flying.

We all ought to be singing together a lot more.

Tomato, basil, and mozzarella make a delicious pie.

What are ten things you know?

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