Friday, December 11, 2009

baby oranges

I hope that the pen that I accidently stole from the kindergarten yesterday came from the same classroom where I accidently left the big apple and the big orange. Big apple as compared to small apple. Big orange, small orange. Big book, small book. Is it big? Yes, it is! Is it big? No, it's SMALL! So much fun. 

Nearly three months in I can still say I love kindergartners. Most of the time. When I walked into the first class of three-year-olds yesterday I caught my breath at their adorableness. They are so adorable. Every Thursday morning I see six different classes on two different campuses within the space of two hours. It's quite a rush. I'm still figuring out the best way to entertain, control, and hopefully teach something to twenty or thirty (and sometimes even forty) 3-5 year olds. Those teachers are saints. Though you can feel a few are harried, and the difference when you walk into a classroom exuding warmth and calm. 

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