Tuesday, January 13, 2009

didn't make myself a last cappucino

On my last day of work Josh made a delicious modified sierra turkey with extra soup and extra sides. I ate every bit (because that's what we do), even though it made me uncomfortable and sluggish.

Carl told me about how the Bible is coming true. And about how he sprayed a mothball mix at the copperheads that had nested in his yard.

Another coworker told me how her last boyfriend broke up with her with a badly disguised, "I don't want to a slut for a girlfriend." How she drank too much afterwards, she said, and slept with too many guys. How her new year's resolution was less of both.

Rhoda and Jill showed up and we went next door to peruse the fifty percent off stuff at the bookstore. Rhoda bought a ball of guilt and I wish I could joke like that. I bought a journal that got purged on the first round of packing. They'd thought to take me out for dessert, but I took a ride home instead. I'd left the lights on in the car again. Oh how will you ever make it on your own?

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