Friday, February 11, 2011
all the wrappings

Thursday, February 3, 2011
a removed participation
When I'd showered and warmed my body in the luxury of central heating, I wandered down to the basement-level Uni-mart to push unhurriedly through the last-minute new year shopping crowds. I bought the candy I was supposed to buy, and wasabi crackers to eat with cheese. For a few minutes I considered a smallish bottle of Great Wall at Uni-Mart, but decided I didn't want to drink wine alone. I ended up with apple juice, Sprite, and a Heineken that a girl in the 21st-floor teahouse opened with her teeth just after eleven.
There were many episodes of Deadwood, as planned, but I paused Al Swearengen's rant at ten-minutes-to-midnight so that I could open the window and fully take in the explosions ping-ponging back and forth across the city. There were loud, booming displays that made my heart race. There were smaller and more-distant pops that were perfect circles blooming from behind this building, from the edge of the river. There were the slow, rhythmic shoooms and sizzles of the try-this-at-home cardboard tube fireworks . . . arcing up from unseen hands, from windows and rooftops in tight housing compounds. I thought of Sam last year scaring me to death by shooting his at the apartment buildings fifty feet away.
I went barefoot and pajama-bottomed back up to the teahouse to look out their floor-to-ceiling windows. But onto the wooden walkway and across the shallow little pond, there were two feet below a curtain-wrapped figure in the shadowy section near the windows - probably an employee sneaking time on his cellphone - so I retreated.
The forty or fifty guests that I'd seen before midnight were gone (back to their rooms, I suppose) and the employees were playing pool and pulling chairs round to watch TV, so I padded back down the stairs. The fireworks went on steadily . . . it was 12:15 by the time I got back to the plague in Deadwood . . . and they were still going after 1:00.